Friday 10 May 2013

Peer Assessment

This is our Peer Assessment, where we showed our Main Production to an audience and responded to their comments.

Evaluation - Question 6

This is the final question to the Evaluation. The question is "Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final product?"

Evaluation - Question 5

This the 5th question of the Evaluation. The question is "What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?"

Evaluation - Question 4

This is question four of the Evaluation. The question is "How did you attract/address your audience?"

Evaluation - Question 3

Film distributors & bbfc classifications from Liam Coleman

This is question 3 of the Evaluation. The question is "What kind of media institute might distribute your media product, Why?"

Evaluation - Question 2

This is the second question to the Evaluation. The question is "How does your media product represent particular social groups?"

Evaluation - Question 1

This is the first question to our evaluation. The question is "How did your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?"

Tuesday 7 May 2013

This is our Main Production, this is the opening scene to our film "Vendetta".

Monday 6 May 2013

E-Mail to Distribution Company

Here is the e-mail we sent to Warner Bros for permission to use their song "Kissed My Baby - The Meters" in our Main Production.


Here are the storyboards for our Main Production. This explains how we wanted structure our production, with shot types and camera movements etc.

Sunday 28 April 2013

This is our Preliminary short film that is set midway through our story, this was a chance to test our skills in film making and to adapt our main film from what we've learnt from the preliminary.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Crime & Gangster Film Genre Presentation

This is our presentation on the genre of Crime & Gangster Films and the technical codes and conventions of the genre. Within the presentation is a list of these conventions, an explanation of the genre and several examples of films within the genre.

Match on Match Action, 180 Degree Rule & Continuity Editing

This is a presentation on the several editing and cinematography conventions of our chosen genre. It includes definitions and explanations of the three topics.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

This is another workshop we completed. Using lighting can morph the way the audience views the character; their moral standing, the class and status, power. We used the lighting to change the way the audience view the characters, the different effects we wanted to get across are; Superhero, mysterious, scary.
This is one of our workshops that we completed. Using Kinetic Camera we created a scene where a man is in pursuit of another man and finally catches up with him, using Kinetic Camera allows us to make the chase more realistic; putting the audience in the perspective of both characters.
We showed our Kuleshov experiment to an audience and this is the feedback we got back. We then added our own response to the feedback we got, explaining whether or not the clip achieved what it was intended to do.
The Kuleshov Experiment - Using sound to make the audience feel a emotion. We used the same shots twice and used different sounds, this will vary what the emotions the audience will feel. We wanted the audience to feel a mixture of; on edge, a sense of something wrong, outcast and on alert.